
STAHLWELD S.A (as a joint venture of Lichtgitter Group) formed the basis for the creation of a network offering integrated solutions in the field of industrial gratings and industrial fences.

Architects, civil engineers and the majority in general of the project managers are utilizing even more and more the industrial grating as a different structural component.

Functionality, durability, appearance and static adequacy are some of the major advantages that make the applications with industrial gratings an excellent and feasible choice.

Long experience in the field of the industrial gratings along with further innovative development in manufacturing processes can satisfy our client’s demands always in respect of quality according to verified standards and instructions.

STAHLWELD S.A., with facilities in Athens and Thessaloniki, offers an extensive range of applications based on industrial gratings such as for pedestrian or vehicle traffic, floors, ceilings, sunshades, stairtreads, trench drains, fences etc.

STAHLWELD S.A., as member of Lichtgitter Group, embraced and follows the policy of the Group in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility, contributing to the development of our society through our activities.